- Новости От Haomei (277)
Household kitchen aluminum foil is suitable for food preservation, барбекю, авиация, гостиничный кейтеринг и кухня рестораны. Идете ли вы на барбекю или в бытовую печь, фольга часто используется, в который заворачивают продукты для шашлыка, приготовление на пару и запекание. Алюминиевую фольгу можно использовать для приготовления многих деликатесов., например, рыба на гриле, ребрышки на гриле, баклажан на гриле, эноки гриб, and various seafood, и т.д.
There is only a thin layer of aluminum foil, usually no more than 0.2mm in thickness. Household kitchen aluminum foil has strong thermal conductivity and high temperature resistance. It is used to wrap food, not only heats up quickly, prevents scorching, равномерно нагревается, and it is easy to lock the soup and keep it fresh and tender. The taste can also avoid oil stains on the oven. The specific use of бытовая кухня алюминиевая фольга: It has been widely used in food processing for many years, такой как: cans, soft beverage packaging, potato chip packaging bag lining, golden candy paper, и т.д.
1, When baking cakes, biscuits or bread, in order to prevent the surface from becoming too dark, you can cover the food with household aluminum foil with the photosensitive side facing up. After covering with aluminum foil, you are not afraid of the deep color of the bread or biscuits, so that the heat radiation on the surface of the cake is even, reducing the surface cracking phenomenon, and at the same time ensuring that the food is cooked.
2, Friends who often barbecue can use it to wrap the meat and roast it, so that the roasted meat is tender and full of moisture.
3, You can also use бытовая кухня алюминиевая фольга to wrap the movable bottom mold into a solid bottom mold, so that everyone can bake in a water bath without buying a solid bottom mold.