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Lámina de ánodo de aluminio para batería

septiembre 12, 2023

Las baterías de litio son baterías recargables compuestas por un electrodo positivo., un electrodo negativo, y un electrolito. El material del electrodo positivo suele incluir óxidos metálicos o fosfato de hierro y litio.. Se necesita un circuito cerrado entre el electrodo positivo y el electrolito., lo que requiere el uso de una lámina conductora como colector de corriente que tenga buena conductividad, es delgado, flexible, and has good corrosion resistance. Aluminum anode foil for battery, due to its good conductivity, is beneficial for increasing the energy density and reducing the weight of the battery, while ensuring the stability and durability of the battery.

lámina de ánodo de aluminio para batería

Characteristics of battery aluminum foil for anode electrodes:

  1. Good sealing performance: Battery aluminum foil, with its good flatness and thickness uniformity, can be better integrated and sealed with other materials, effectively ensuring the stability of the battery’s performance.
  2. High mechanical strength: Aluminum battery foil has high tensile strength and tear resistance, which ensures the reliability and durability of the battery.
  3. Good conductivity: Battery aluminum foil has good conductivity and can transfer the positive electrode current to other parts in a timely manner, ensuring the normal operation of the battery.
  4. Buena resistencia a la corrosión: Aluminum anode foil has high oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance, which can better protect other materials in the battery and prevent corrosion during long-term use.


En resumen, using lámina de ánodo de aluminio para batería as the positive electrode in lithium batteries can effectively improve the energy density, reduce the weight of the battery, and ensure its stability and durability. Aluminum anode foil has good sealing performance, high mechanical strength, good conductivity, y resistencia a la corrosión, making it an ideal choice for positive electrode current collectors.

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