- الأخبار من Haomei (274)
8011, 8021 و 8079 aluminum foil are usually used as المواد الخام alu alu احباط للتغليف الصيدلانية. عندما يتم استخدام رقائق الألومنيوم 8011O كمواد تعبئة دوائية, رقائق الألومنيوم غير سامة, عديم الرائحة, لديه موصلية كهربائية ممتازة وخصائص الحماية من الضوء, ولديه مقاومة عالية للرطوبة, خصائص حاجز الغاز والاحتفاظ بالطعم, والتي يمكن أن تحمي العبوة بشكل أكثر فعالية. Haomei Aluminum has strictly controlled the structure, performance, plate shape, thickness difference and surface quality of the aluminum foil produced to ensure the excellent quality of the finished product.
Cold-formed alu alu foil is a sealed package after deep-drawing and pressing. وبالتالي, it has strong mechanical properties, high antibacterial performance, strong puncture resistance and tear resistance; excellent moisture resistance, التظليل وقدرة حاجز عالية للغاية; سطح نظيف, لون موحد, no splotches, لا زيت, smooth and no pinholes; بكتيريا, العفن وغيرها من الاختبارات, heavy metals do not exceed 0.25% per million, strictly implement industry standards to ensure safety and health.
الوقت الحاضر, cold-formed اتخاذ احباط is mostly used for some high-end medicines, and cold-formed medical aluminium foil is generally 8021 ورق ألومنيوم. The quality requirements of the pharmaceutical aluminium foil are high, النسخة مسطح, the layout is free of scratches, black oil spots, color difference, roll printing bumps, إلخ, وليس الثقوب. If you want to get high-quality aluminum foil surface and dark surface, the roughness of its work roll surface has an important influence on it and must be strictly controlled.
The single-roll roughness uniformity and the mating roll roughness of the used work rolls are controlled within 0.01μm; the paired diameter difference of the finishing roll diameters is static within 0.01mm; في نفس الوقت, the double oil uses low flash point, low viscosity base oil, its It is more volatile, and the oil film formed between the two layers of المواد الخام alu alu احباط aluminum foil is thinner and more uniform. في هذا الوقت, the lubricating performance is low, which increases the friction between the two aluminum foils, and prevents relative sliding between the two aluminum foils, and makes the dark surface more uniform in color, does not produce bright spots, and does not produce color difference on the surface.