- Nachrichten aus Haomei (277)
Haomei Aluminum is a leader of Lieferanten von Aluminiumfolie für Transformatorwicklungen in China, we have rich experience in transformer foil manufacturing. Die Niederspannungswicklung des Transformators besteht aus Kupferfolie oder Aluminiumfolie. When the low voltage is made of foil windings, es kann durch Wickeln auf einer Folienwickelmaschine und Erhitzen und Aushärten gebildet werden. Deshalb, low-voltage transformer windings do not require moulding and casting. Both copper foil and aluminium foil are applied to transformer winding, und wir Haomei Aluminium produzieren hauptsächlich hochwertige Aluminiumfolie und Aluminiumstreifen für die Trockentransformatorwicklung.
Foil winding uses copper or aluminum foil strip of different thicknesses as conductors, wide-band insulating materials as interlayer insulation, and narrow-band insulating materials as end insulation, and is wound once on a foil winding machine to form a coil shape wire. Gleichzeitig, the welding of the inner and outer leads of the coil and the outer wrapping are completed. 1060 Aluminiumfolie for transformer winding has the characteristics of high conductivity, soft quality, smooth surface and no burrs. It is an ideal material for the production of dry-type transformers and a key raw material for the manufacture of transformer windings.
The transformer winding aluminium foil suppliers produce aluminum strip for transformer with specification of:
Material: 1060-die
Dicke: 0.2Millimeter–3.0Millimeter,
Breite: 20mm-1650mm.
Quality: Smooth surface without scratches. The edge can be chamfered (rounded corners, rounded edges), without burrs, which is better than the national standard. The resistivity is less than or equal to 0.028.
To become top of Lieferanten von Aluminiumfolie für Transformatorwicklungen, Haomei Aluminum do a lot of effort to enhance production strength. The introduction of Taiwan’s high-speed slitting unit has strong equipment and first-class cutting technology capabilities, and can achieve the characteristics of transformer aluminum foil with no burr and trimming-free special aluminum strips for transformers.