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Batterie Aluminiumfolie

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Batterie Aluminiumfolie Preis

Batterie Aluminiumfolie Preis

The battery aluminum foil price quoted by Haomei Aluminum can be regard as the most reasonable one regards of high quality and good after sale service. The current alloys used for battery aluminium foils are mainly: 1070, 1060, 1235, 1230, 1100, 8011, 3003, 1N30, etc., deckt fast alle Legierungsvarianten ab, die in Aluminiumfolien verwendet werden, aber die am häufigsten verwendeten sind 1235, 1060, 1070 industrial

Fabrik für Batterie-Aluminiumfolie

Battery Aluminum Foil Factory

Battery aluminum foil factory supply aluminium foil for battery with alloy grade 1080, 1070, 1235 und 1060 with temper H18. The consistency of battery aluminum foil thickness and areal density is controlled within ±2%, which is significantly lower than the tolerance range of ordinary aluminum foil of ±5%, which greatly improves the consistency of the battery. The surface tension of

Batterie Aluminiumfolie

Batterie Aluminiumfolie

This battery aluminum foil is manufactured by Haomei using quality tested aluminum under guidance of adroit professionals with latest innovative techniques. Die angebotene Aluminiumfolie für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien ist aufgrund ihrer feinen Oberfläche bei Kunden sehr gefragt, sicher zu bedienen und umweltfreundlich. Haomei liefert hauptsächlich 8000 Serie O Temper Aluminiumfolie für Batterie Soft Package, which has good deep draw

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