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Pharmazeutische Aluminiumfolie Preis China

Oktober 15, 2019

Das Pharmazeutische Aluminiumfolie Preis China is affected by the alloy, Temperament, Spezifikation, Marktnachfrage und die Aluminiumbarren Kosten. Haomei Versorgung 8011, 8021, 8079 pharmazeutische Qualität Aluminiumfolie für die Medizin Lagerung und Verpackung. Pharmazeutische Aluminiumfolie ist vor allem für die Verarbeitung von Blisterverpackungen verwendet, so ist es auch als Aluminium Blisterfolie oder Blister Aluminiumfolie genannt.

Pharmazeutische Aluminiumfolie Preis China

Für die Medizin Blister machen, das Pharmazeutische Aluminiumfolie is just a base material, it still needs other material for lamination. The largest amount of blister packaging material is a medicinal PVC hard sheet. Because the drug is sensitive to moisture and light transmission, PVC rigid sheets are required to have good barrier properties of moisture, Licht und Geruch. jedoch, the PVC currently used is not ideal for moisture resistance, so it should be in the future. Advocating the use of polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) or its composite materials, PVDC characteristics are: high molecular weight, high density, structural structure, ausgezeichnete Feuchtigkeitsbeständigkeit, good oil resistance, drug resistance and solvent resistance, especially oxygen, Wasserdampf, and carbon dioxide gas in the air have excellent barrier properties. In the case of the same thickness, the barrier performance of PVDC to oxygen is 1500 times that of PE, 100 times that of PP, 100 times that of PET, and the water vapor resistance and oxygen are better than PVC. In Ergänzung, the sealing properties, impact strength, tensile strength and other indicators of PVDC materials can meet the special requirements of pharmaceutical packaging, and it is the development focus of pharmaceutical packaging materials in the future. In Ergänzung, other composite materials, such as PVC/PVDC/PE, PVDC/OPP/PE, PVC/PE, etc., are also widely used in blister packaging of pharmaceuticals.

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