- Nachrichten aus Haomei (277)
Aluminiumfolienpapier in Jumbo-Rolle has grade of 8011, 3003, 1235, 1050, etc., und Gemüter sind O., H18, H22, H24, etc.. Die wichtigsten Spezifikationen sind 80-1500 mm breit und 6-200 Mikrometer dick. Es ist wasserdicht, ölbeständig, Lichtdicht, wärmeleitend, wärmeisolierend, etc., Es ist recycelbar und umweltfreundlich. Aufgrund seiner einzigartigen umfassenden Leistung, aluminum foil jumbo roll is widely used in food packaging, medizinische Verpackung, Luftfahrt, Elektronik, machinery, building decoration and other fields.
Aluminum foil paper in jumbo roll puts forward more stringent requirements on the hydrogen content, non-metallic inclusion content and grain size of the cast slab. The grain size of the cast-rolled plate is one level. In order to ensure that the metal achieves high purity, the online refining and degassing and filtering devices are usually added in the casting process to purify the melt, and the addition of modifiers is implemented for melt modification treatment, so that the material structure is uniform and the grains are refined. Die Oberfläche des Jumbo-Rolle aus Aluminiumfolie should be clean and flat, and no defects such as corrosion, slits, Löcher, brown oil spots, etc.. that affect the use are allowed, and no bright spots that affect the use are allowed. The end surface of the aluminum foil roll should be clean and tidy, and there should be no serious burrs, split layers, arrows, towers, bumps and other defects that affect use.
Die Oberfläche des Aluminiumfolienpapier in Jumbo-Rolle is allowed to have pinholes that are visible to light, but in any area of 4mm x 4mm or any area of 1mm x 16mm, the number of pinholes should not exceed 8, and the size of pinholes should not exceed 0.3mm and needles smaller than 0.02mm holes are not counted.