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Nachrichten aus Haomei

Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Haomei Verpackung Aluminiumfolie, lidding war, Blisterfolie, nehmen Folie,Kaltformfolie, Etikettenfolie.

Aluminiumfolie Hersteller Pharma verwenden

Hersteller von Aluminiumfolie Pharmazeutische Verwendung

Aluminium foil manufacturer pharma use offer 8011, 8021 pharmaceutical aluminum foil for safe packaging. Aluminium foil pharma use is considered to a high end product of aluminum foil series. That is because the quality requirement of pharmaceutical aluminium foil is more strict than food grade aluminium foil. Aluminum foil has a high molecular density, es kann Wasserdampf und Licht isolieren, und …

Aluminiumfolie für PET-Wasserdeckelbecher

Aluminiumfolie für PET-Wasserdeckelbecher

Aluminiumfolie für PET-Wasserdeckelbecher 8011 is often use with laminated with other material for packaging of cup lids like yogurt. The cup lid includes a cup cover film main body and an aluminum foil composite layer. Von oben nach unten, der Hauptkörper der Becherdeckelfolie umfasst eine obere Polyesterfolie zum Tragen der Druckschicht, ein …

Aluminiumfolie für weiche Verpackungen

Aluminiumfolie für weiche Verpackungen

The aluminum foil for soft packaging is required to have few holes, gute Barriereeigenschaft und Heißsiegelleistung. Wie für flexible Verpackungen, Das Aluminiumfolienprodukt wird sauber entfettet, die Oberfläche ist sauber, das Produkt erreicht Lebensmittelqualität, kann bei hoher Temperatur gekocht werden, und ist hygienisch. 1235 und 8079 aluminum foil are applied to flexible packing after heat

Hersteller von Aluminiumfolie in China

Hersteller von Aluminiumfolie in China

To buy from aluminium foil manufacturer in china is a favor trend in aluminum foil market worldwide. Wir alle wissen, dass die Aluminiumvorräte in China reichlich vorhanden sind, Daher ist der Preis für Aluminiumfolie chinesischer Hersteller relativ niedriger als in anderen Ländern. Die Aktualisierungsgeschwindigkeit von Aluminiumfolie ist schnell und der Verbrauch groß, and the evaluation of

Lithium-Ionen-Akku Aluminiumfolie

Lithium-Ionen-Akku aus Aluminiumfolie

Lithium ion battery aluminum foil is a more advantageous material for lithium batteries, 0.01-0.02Millimeter 1060, 1070, 1080, 1235H18 aluminum foil are applied. The aluminum foil for lithium-ion battery can be seen as a new product with technical difficult, only a few of aluminium foil manufacturers can produce it, it is a prove of technology strength. The advantages of aluminium foil in the application

Lieferanten von Verpackungsfolien

Heutzutage, Anbieter von Verpackungsfolien bieten Aluminiumfolie an 1235, 3003, 8011 zum Verpacken verschiedener Waren und Lebensmittel. Für gewöhnliche Waren, Die Folienverpackung soll Feuchtigkeit verhindern, Feuchtigkeit und Luftaustritt, und es kann auch dazu führen, dass die Ware oder der Artikel schöner und attraktiver aussieht, die Schönheit und Qualität des äußeren Erscheinungsbildes des Produkts verbessern, den äußeren Wert steigern …

Aluminium Foil Flexible Ducting Ventilation

Aluminium Foil Flexible Ducting Ventilation

The aluminium foil flexible ducting ventilation is made of 3003 und 8011 Aluminiumfolie, which is continuously and tightly compressed by a spiral. The aluminum flexible air duct ventilation is formed by embossed aluminium foil, which is fireproof, heat-resistant and pollution-free, it is an important component of a new generation of green and environmentally friendly ventilation systems. The flexible ducting ventilation hose is made

Klebeband Aluminiumfolie

Duct Tape Aluminum Foil

The duct tape aluminum foil are used for making aluminum foil air duct by stretched pure aluminum foil, which is continuously and tightly compressed by a spiral. The duct exhaust pipe can quickly remove the waste air and discharge it to the outside. Gleichzeitig, the air is condensed and collected, which reduces pollution, purifies the air, and has the function

Deckel aus Aluminiumfolie

Aluminum Foil Paper Lid

Haomei Aluminum is a raw material manufacturer of aluminum foil paper lid, do not do post-processing such as lamination, Drucken, gluing, etc., only provides aluminum foil base material. The aluminum foil cover lids is a packaging material that is covered with a layer of aluminum foil film. Verglichen mit der traditionellen Metallabdeckung, it is easy to open and safe

12 Mikron-Aluminiumfolie

12 Mikrometer-Aluminiumfolie

Das 12 micron aluminum foil products produced by Haomei Aluminum are divided into household packaging aluminium foil and battery foil according to the main categories. The thinnest thickness of household foil can reach 0.0045mm, also known as “Doppelnull-Aluminiumfolie”. 15 Mikro, 13 Mikro, 12 Mikro, 10Mikro, 9micro aluminum foil for lithium battery, Klasse 1235, state H18. Gegenwärtig, it is dominated by

Aluminiumfolie für Süßwaren

Aluminium Foil For Confectionery

Aluminium foil for confectionery has gradually become one of the most important packaging materials for candy with its rich functions and various forms of display. With the maturity of technology, cold-sealed soft packaging has gradually become the most important internal packaging material of confectionery due to its high packaging speed, low odor, keine Verschmutzung, leicht reißen, etc.. The focus of the

h18 batterie folie

H18 Battery Foil

The basic structure of a lithium battery includes a positive electrode, eine negative Elektrode, an electrolyte, and a separator. Lithium batteries have four key materials: an aluminum foil, a copper foil, a separator in the middle, and the rest are electrolytes.   Battery aluminum foil refers to the aluminum foil used for the positive electrode material of lithium ion battery, …

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