- Nachrichten aus Haomei (274)
Haomei is a manufacturer of Nahrungsmittelservice-Aluminiumfolie jumbo roll 8011 Von SGS zertifizierte O-Temper-Lebensmittelqualität. Die Spezifikation der Aluminiumfolie für Lebensmittelverpackungen ist die Dicke: 0.009Millimeter-0.03Millimeter, Breite: 250mm-500mm, Innendurchmesser: 76.2Millimeter, 150Millimeter. Haomei Aluminium verwendet hochwertiges Aluminiummaterial, um Aluminiumfolie in Lebensmittelqualität für Verpackungsgüter herzustellen und frisch zu halten. We can produce customized aluminum foil products according to our customers’ braucht.
The food service aluminum foil has the features of moisture-proof, luftdicht, Lichtdicht, thermal conductivity and softness. We supply prime quality Aluminiumfolie für Lebensmittelverpackungen, which can be widely used in many aspects, such as cooking, Einfrieren, packaging and baking. Haomei is a large-scale and professional manufacturer of food grade aluminum foil base materials, providing multiple models and states. The aluminum foil for food packaging produced by Haomei Aluminum has undergone strict pinhole detection, Entfettungsverfahren und Plattensteuer, with high sealing and light shielding. It is the preferred raw material supplier of major food packaging material manufacturers! Different customers need to purchase different aluminum foil products. The types and styles of products in the industry are constantly enriched. To buy Nahrungsmittelservice-Aluminiumfolie, Haomei support customization, 7-35 days delivery, global distribution!